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Health & Fitness: Gentler Streak & Sleep

Neues Jahr, neues Glück, oder irgendwie sagt man doch, oder? Nachdem es hier einige Zeit ziemlich still und auch ziemlich Englisch war, möchte ich nun endlich weitermachen und zwar in meiner Muttersprache. Deepl und Google Translate regelt, für die Englischlesenden. Wie jedes Jahr nehme ich mir nicht nur am Anfang des frischen Jahres, sondern auch...CONTINUE READING

Personal Best Workout App

iOS 14 brought widgets to the home screen and it was only a matter of time until someone had to have the great idea of displaying workout stats directly on the home screen: Meet Personal Best. It’s the only motivation you’ll ever need for working out again. Well, maybe besides those Activity rings from Apple....CONTINUE READING

One-sentence journaling with Punkt

Everyone who‘s not writing a diary on a daily basis has thought about starting, right? Well, I have and I did start a few years ago with an app called Day One, which is like… yeah, a full fledged diary app, which cost a few bucks back then and was later replaced by a subscription...CONTINUE READING

Cinema Time

Have you watched Avengers Endgame yet? And how about John Wick Chapter 3? And Spiderman Far From Home? With this many movies coming out each month you can quickly lose oversight of everything you want to watch. That’s what Cinema Time is for! Track your favorite movies or discover new ones, that’s the slogan of...CONTINUE READING

Leaving Medium Behind

Friends, I’m back. My beloved WordPress, I missed you. I used Medium as my primary place to write and publish stuff since sometime in 2017. I even published to some sort of Publication with more than 30k readers. It still didn’t feel right. Do not ask me why. Maybe it was because Medium forced me...CONTINUE READING

Part 4: The Conclusion

It’s been a month since I started doing breath holding exercises daily and I’ve experienced quite the progression. On August 1st I started my new project which quickly turned into a habit and a passion: I wanted to be able to hold my breath for more than just one minute. During the past month I...CONTINUE READING

Part 3: Can I Hold My Breath for Three Minutes?

This is part three of my ongoing series where I try to increase my breath holding times. First off: I am so sorry for this late update but I’ve been on holidays for the past few days and Medium wouldn’t let me finish my post on mobile. This is a summary of the past twelve...CONTINUE READING

Part 2: Figuring Things Out

The first week of me doing daily breath holding exercises is over. This is the second part of my ongoing series, including all the things I did and learned each day. It all started on Tuesday when I published the first part of my story. I did my first two sets of CO2 tables, which...CONTINUE READING